air pocket

[eə(r) ˈpɔkit]
  • 释义
  • 气陷,气穴;气窝;气潭;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    He survived the earthquake after spending 3 days in an air pocket.


  • 2、

    We had a bumpy flight because of air pocket.


  • 3、

    What was that? The plane dropped suddenly. It must have hit an air pocket.

    怎么回事? 飞机突然下跌. 一定是遇到了一个气潭.

  • 4、

    Every time a plane hits an air pocket, it always dips a little.


  • 5、

    If the plane drops suddenly, it is probably an air pocket ( air current ).

    如果飞机突然下落, 可能是碰到了气阱 ( 气流 ).

  • 6、

    Mike : Don't worry. We just passed through an air pocket. It happens all the time.

    别担心. 我们刚经过一个空中气涡. 这是常有的事.

  • 7、

    What kind of sensation do you have when the plane drops air pocket?


  • 8、

    It must have hit an air pocket.


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